Raising concerns about someone in care

If you are worried that your friend or relative in the care home is experiencing harm, risk of harm, neglect or any form of abuse, you should contact:

​Raising a concern

Adult Social Care: 0113 222 4401 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, except Wednesdays 10am-5pm).
Out of hours: 0113 378 0644

Report neglect or abuse of an adult

If you are unhappy with the care or treatment at a care home:

1) Try to resolve the issue informally by speaking to the manager or deputy manager of the care home.

2) If that doesn't resolve the issue, or if the complaint is about the member of staff or manager, you can make a formal complaint. You can either make the complaint directly to the care home or via Leeds City Council Adult Social Care in certain circumstances (see below).

To make the complaint directly to the care home:

By law, all registered health and social care service providers must have a complaints procedure. Details of how to make a complaint should be prominently displayed in the entrance are of the care home. You can also ask for a copy of the provider's complaints procedure, which should detail the steps of what you need to do and when you can expect a response.


To make the complaint via Leeds City Council Adult Social Care:

NB Anybody can raise safeguarding concerns with Leeds City Council. However, for all other types of complaints, this option is only available if Leeds City Council pays for all or some of the care OR if the care is self-funded but Leeds City Council had initially completed a Care Act and financial Assessments that indicated that residential care was required but must be self-funded.

Adults and health compliments and complaints  

3) If you are not satisfied with the response from either the care home or Leeds City Council to your complaint, or they have not responded in the specified time frame, you can refer your complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) for investigation, but only after you have given the care home a reasonable opportunity to put matters right.

 LGSCO how to complain  

Help with making a complaint

If you need help to make a complaint, Advonet is a free, confidential and independent service for people living in Leeds that may be able to help you.  Tel: 0113 244 0606.


Sharing feedback with Healthwatch Leeds

Healthwatch Leeds provides an information and advice service. As well as helping you to understand your options if you have a concern or a complaint about any health and care service in Leeds, you can also share your feedback about services with them, good or bad. This helps them see the bigger picture of how things are on the ground for people in order to influence change.

Tel: 0113 8980035 (9am-4pm weekdays) or email: info@healthwatchleeds.co.uk

Healthwatch information and advice  

Share feedback with the Care Quality Commission

You can share feedback with the Care Quality Commission. Although they do not deal with complaints, they will welcome the feedback and are responsible for checking that every registered care provider meets important standards of quality and safety.

CQC give feedback on care