If you have concerns about continued and unintentional weight loss please contact the person’s GP for advice.
As we get older our sense of taste and smell can change which can affect our appetite and enjoyment of food.
During this difficult time overall wellbeing of all individuals is of paramount importance. To both reduce the risk of catching Covid-19 as well as the ability to recover and the speed and completeness of that recovery. As is well known nutrition and hydration are key aspects of that well-being.
Though the service have temporarily suspended their face to face assessments they continue to offer telephone advice (Every Care Home has a named dietitian and contact number). If you do not know who your named contact is you can contact the service to find through their contact page.
In addition to providing advice and guidance they may signpost care homes to the British Dietetic Association, BDA website (Inc. COVID-19 specific resources).
Malnutrition Pathway COVID-19 Leaflets | British Dietetic Association (BDA) section including:
Adult Nutrition and Dietetics service
The Adult Nutrition and Dietetics service can provide a range of support from tips on managing taste changes, eating when short of breath, managing a dry mouth and guidance fluids (A Fluid Food Fact Sheet)
There is also a guide to Nutrition Support in End of Life Care on the Care Quality Team website
For swallowing difficulties we would always advise care homes to speak with the GP for a referral to a specialist Speech and Language Therapist. If a texture modified diet is advised / in place we would encourage homes to visit the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative, IDDSI website for additional information
People who lack good nutrition are at risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition is usually caused by not having enough to eat or not getting the essential nutrients you need to keep healthy. It's more common in older people and those with long term health conditions.
Malnutrition can cause:
These could lead to a general deterioration in a person’s health and wellbeing.
Dementia and delirium can make these issues worse. The Alzheimer’s society produce useful guidance and, though targeted at dementia, is applicable to nutrition in older people.
It is important to offer residents that you care for a varied diet that takes into account personal preferences. Simple things can make a big difference, such as:
Encouraging an older person to eat enough nourishing food can be challenging. The Social care Institute for excellence - Eating well with dementia has useful advice and tips on encouraging eating and maintaining dignity:
Make sure that different food choices which respect religious, ethnic and personal preferences are offered at each meal time.
If the person needs assistance with feeding, explain what the food is before you start to feed them. See if they can still hold the spoon even if they need you to help them load it.
If you have concerns about continued and unintentional weight loss please contact the person’s GP for advice.
It's often said we ‘eat with our eyes’ and the look of our food is the first thing that makes us want to eat. it is important that:
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