Magnificent metal

From foil trays to drinks cans, food tins and even aerosols - metal is endlessly recyclable (so long as you pop it in your green recycling bin!).

Last year Leeds residents recycled 2,193 tonnes of metal. Sadly, almost twice that amount - 4,166 tonnes - was put into black rubbish bins.

Endlessly recyclable without losing quality, we think metal is magnificent!

Yes please 

Recycle all these types of foil and metal in your green bin:

  • aerosols (for example, deodorant, hairspray and shaving foam)
  • aluminium foil and foil trays (rinse off any chunky bits of food and scrunch into a ball)
  • biscuit and sweet tins
  • drink cans (such as soft drink and beer cans)
  • food tins (for example, baked beans, soup and pet food tins)

examples of recycling that goes in your green bin, paper, card, cartons, food and drink tins and cans, aluminium foil, aerosols, plastic pots, tubs and trays, plastic bottles and plastic bags.

No thanks

Put these in your black bin:

  • coffee pods and capsules
  • crisp packets
  • disposable barbecues
  • foil lids (the flimsy ones from yoghurt pots and margarine tubs that bounce back when scrunched)
  • foil wrapping paper (do the scrunch test, if it bounces back, it can't be recycled)
  • food and drink pouches
  • sweet wrappers

Alternatively, many local convenience stores and supermarkets have collection points for these trickier to recycle materials.

Check out Recycle Now's handy recycling locator to see if there's a recycling point near you.   

If you're out and about, you can recycle your empty drinks cans in our recycling on-the-go bins across Leeds.

Find out what happens to the metal you recycle.


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