Information governance: training and e-learning tools

Manage your organisation’s data responsibly. Keep up to date with information governance and data protection legislation through e-learning, tailored training, toolkits and advice from our information governance practitioners.

What we do

We’re IG Solutions. We’re a dedicated team of information governance experts based at Leeds City Council. We don’t just train council staff – the training we've designed has helped over 90,000 public sector employees across the UK to manage information safely and meet legal requirements for educating their staff on data protection.

Who we help

We help organisations in the public, private and third sectors. Our clients include West Yorkshire Combined Authority, Association of Greater Manchester Authorities, Sheffield City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, University Technical College Leeds, The Gorse Academy Trust, Touchstone and others. 

We design GDPR e-learning tools for:

  • public sector organisations
  • charities and trusts
  • small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) 
  • primary and secondary schools
  • elected members of local authorities, parish councils and town councils  

For more information or to book a live demo email us at

Why choose us?

We’ve been working in information governance for over 20 years and can offer you:

  • e-learning courses written in plain English that contain role based scenarios and end of course assessments 
  • start up toolkit, self audit and templates for freedom of information, subject access requests, and more
  • tailored packages to meet your organisation’s compliance and legal requirements
  • regularly updated tools and training that meets the latest legal obligations under GDPR

Complex issues are tackled expertly and in a work related context which is both refreshing and engaging for users who don't need to be expert in information law and practice but who do need to be aware of the employers' legal obligations.


Prices for our training start at £100 but the cost will vary depending on the type of training you choose, the number of staff being trained and the structure of your organisation.

We provide discounts if you purchase more than one training courses or if you are a member of a group of similar organisations interested in buying our products (for example if more than one school wanted to book training together).

To request a quote email

Examples of what we offer

Public sector e-learning: information governance for public sector employees

Designed to help your staff understand the importance of information management and explain what they need to do to handle information safely and responsibly.   

Based on everyday examples of the type of data breach likely to occur, it aims to change staff behaviours and attitudes by challenging them to make the right decisions and teaching them how to deal with personal and special category information.   

The course includes up to date scenarios around commonly acknowledged infringements, social media and phishing. This also includes an additional ‘home working’ case study to raise awareness of the security concerns when work remotely.   

Written in plain English and including a final quiz to test their understanding of the data protection principles, the tool can be used to demonstrate compliance with data protection legislation.   

Prices start from £100. Contact us at for a quotation or to book a live demo.                  

SME e-learning: information governance for private and third sector organisations

An interactive e-learning tool designed to help your staff understand the importance of information management and explain what they need to do to handle information safely and responsibly.                  

Based on a business related setting, our real life examples demonstrate how to avoid a data breach when handling personal or sensitive information. Each scenario highlights a problem and the correct action to take. The six modules cover many topics, including:                  

  • data transfers outside the EEA
  • marketing
  • CCTV 
  • tackling cybercrime 
  • remote working

This training course is written in plain English and includes a final quiz to test knowledge of the data protection principles. The e-learning tool can be used to demonstrate compliance with data protection legislation.                  

Prices start from £250. Contact us at for a quotation or to book a live demo.                  

IG start up pack: for the baseline requirements

The start up pack helps your organisation achieve a baseline level of data protection and information governance. It contains a number of templates including:                  

  • subject access requests 
  • an information security policy
  • an information incident guide
  • an information reporting form
  • freedom of information policy and response form
  • records management policy
  • retention schedule 
  • a self audit tool to test your level of compliance 

This course provides assurance that your organisation can meet the minimum requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR compliance.                  

Prices start from £250. Contact us at for a quotation or to book a live demo.                  

Councillor e-learning: Information governance for unitary, district, metropolitan, borough and county councils

This training is broken down into six modules and a quiz. Each module covers key pieces of information governance through a mix of scenarios, questions and updates.                  

The training covers what an elected member needs to know, but doesn’t bombard them with too much information. The training is accessible on a smartphone making it easy to complete on the go, wherever you are.                  

The training covers common issues like:                  

  • dealing with consent
  • the rights of individuals 
  • elected members’ responsibilities as data controllers
  • obtaining information from officers and what happens in the event of a data breach

This training aligns to the specific needs of elected members.                  

Prices start from £100. Contact us at for a quotation or to book a live demo.          

I found the training useful. I especially liked the scenarios as they seem very real for our day to day work.    

Cllr Ben Garner - Leeds City Council

Education sector e-learning: Information governance and GDPR training for all schools and academies

We have developed an e-learning course specifically to meet the data compliance needs of primary schools, secondary schools and academies. The course contains modules and role based training scenarios which focus on the type of data breach that can occur in schools.

The training is engaging, relevant and focused. It is essential training for schools and academies – helping them meet their legislative duties in relation to data protection and GDPR. By the end of the course, users will have a better understanding of personal and sensitive data, how to identify a data breach, what action to take and how to report a breach.

Prices start at £100. Contact us at for a quotation or to book a live demo.          

We have used the Leeds City Council GDPR training module for our staff across the Trust. The modules are accessible to all staff and provide the right balance of GDPR knowledge and their responsibilities.          

Richard Amos, Strategic Lead Officer, The GORSE Academies Trust

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