Convert your civil partnership into a marriage

Same-sex civil partners who formed their civil partnership in England or Wales can now convert their partnership into a marriage.

The conversion is an administrative process which takes about 30 minutes and can be completed at any Register Office in England and Wales.

When the civil partnership has been converted into a marriage the civil partnership ends and the same-sex couple is treated as having been married since the date the civil partnership was formed.

Documents you must provide

You must produce proof of your name, date of birth, address and your original civil partnership certificate. Please use our giving notice checklist to find out documents we will accept. You will also need to provide details of your father’s name and occupation.         

Optional ceremony

Although you will initially need to attend at a Register Office to present your documents you can choose to delay the signing of the declaration and include this as part of a separate ceremony either in Leeds or in any district in England and Wales.         

If you would like a ceremony, this can be held at Leeds Civic Hall or at any of our licensed venues. We will discuss this with you when you contact us to arrange your conversion.         

Booking an appointment

Please call 0113 222 4408 to book your appointment (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except Wednesdays when we're open from 10am). 

During Monday to Friday all appointments are held at the: 

City centre hub
Woodhouse Lane
Leeds, LS2 8LX

If your appointment is booked for a Saturday morning at the city centre hub, please use the entrance on Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8BB. Reception staff will then direct you to the Registrars’ reception within the hub.  

Please arrive on time for your appointment as we may not be able to accommodate late arrivals. 

At the appointment you will both need to sign a conversion declaration confirming that you have not dissolved your Civil Partnership and wish to convert it into a marriage. Please note that as there is no need for witnesses to attend the appointment and guests are not permitted. 


The fee to convert a civil partnership to a marriage is £56. This includes one copy of your marriage certificate​.         

On completion of the conversion procedure you will be able to buy copies of your marriage certificate for £11 each on the day of registration. A separate fee is payable by all couples for an optional ceremony.

Please see our Registrars fees page for the full list.

Information we may collect about you

The council has a statutory duty to register births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships and to administer citizenship services on behalf of the Home Office. Your information will only be used to assist us with your registration appointment and/or ceremony or your copy certificate application. We will not share this information with anyone else unless we are required to do so by law. Please see our privacy policy for further information on how we process your personal data.