Waste strategy

The aim of the waste strategy for Leeds is to reduce the amount of waste we produce as a city and also, to support the ambition for Leeds to become carbon neutral by 2030

The last waste strategy for Leeds was published in 2006. Since then, we have:

  • doubled the recycling rate for domestic household waste to around 39%
  • reached sending less than 3% of our household waste to landfill
  • introduced fortnightly bin collections across much of the city
  • redeveloped our household waste recycling centres
  • opened award winning reuse shops at our Kirkstall and East Leeds recycling centres
  • opened the recycling and energy recovery facility at Cross Green, which processes all our non-recyclable household waste, generating affordable energy for social housing and business via the Leeds PIPES network and district heating scheme

Our interim waste strategy takes us to 2021. This is when we expect to know more from Government in terms of national policy on how local authorities will be expected to collect household waste in future. The strategy focuses on three key themes: reducing excess, getting the most out of our resources, and all doing our part.

Waste strategy for Leeds 2019 to 2021

The aim is for Leeds to become a world leader in eliminating unnecessary waste and its environmental impact. This will mean getting the most from our resources to benefit our local economy and communities across the city. We will achieve this by:

All doing our part

Leeds will:

  • support young people to lead change
  • use simpler, clearer messages to help people recycle
  • use social media and work with influencers
  • adapt services where recycling rates are low
  • connect locals with waste and recycling services
  • proudly promote businesses who pledge to reduce their waste
  • expect council resources to be managed sustainably
  • recycle on-the-go
  • ensure waste and recycling is considered in all new developments
  • love where we live
  • tackle waste crime such as fly-tipping
  • #leedsbyexample
Reducing excess

Leeds will:                                  

  • commit to reduce waste
  • stop using so much plastic
  • reduce food waste
  • buy less and reuse more
  • be heard nationally
  • help businesses to find new ways to reduce their carbon footprint
  • harness growing public interest in climate change
Getting the most out of our resources

Leeds will:                                  

  • raise the profile of recycling centres and increase their use
  • promote and support waste management at a local level to bring greater resource efficiency
  • recycle and reuse more
  • make reuse our first choice
  • get ready to collect more recycling
  • use energy from waste to heat homes
  • understand our carbon footprint

Supporting the best city priorities

Sustainable infrastructure

To promote a more competitive, less wasteful, more resource efficient and low carbon economy.

To strengthen digital and data ‘Smart City’ infrastructure and increasing digital inclusion.

Safe, strong communities

To be responsive to local needs, building thriving and resilient communities.


Through our strategy, we aim to achieve:

  • a reduction in the carbon impacts of waste generated
  • a reduction in waste volumes generated
  • an increase in reuse and recycling, prioritising materials offering the greatest carbon savings
  • a heightened public awareness and local community ownership of waste issues, with clear evidence of increased public action and demand for change
  • a growing body of businesses and other key organisations in Leeds becoming exemplars of waste reduction, and exercising clear influence for change through their own activities
  • evidence of a growing culture of reuse over disposing and buying new
  • measurable economic benefits within the city, in particular benefiting the economically disadvantaged