Grass cuttings
Please see Garden Waste.
Hair dryers and straightners
If your unwanted hair appliance is in good working order, please donate it to a charity shop, local reuse organisation, or to the Revive Leeds reuse shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centres. If you are replacing a broken hair appliance, the retailer supplying your new appliance should offer you a take back service. Alternatively, you can recycle your hair appliance by taking it to your nearest bring site that has a WEEE bank (see W for a list of sites) or to your nearest recycling centre, where you can put it in the small electrical waste container.
Hardcore* and many building materials can be used again. Bricks, large pieces of stone, doors and windows can be sold to architectural salvage yards. Brick* and rubble* can be taken to your nearest recycling centre and put in the skips marked Bricks and Rubble. These materials are used for cover and roads on landfill sites. *Restrictions apply for disposing of some types of rubbish at our household recycling sites including hardcore, bricks and rubble. To find out more please see our guide to DIY waste disposal.
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste should be dealt with appropriately.
Please see Asbestos for more information on this.
Please see Chemicals for more information on these.
You can also contact the Environment Agency on 0870 850 6506 for advice on disposing of hazardous waste.
Hearing aids
Help the Aged recycle hearing aids. Please ensure units are in working order and send them to:
Hearing Aid Appeal
Help the Aged
Please see Chemicals
Household chemicals
Please see Chemicals.
Hypodermic needles
Please return used hypodermic needles to your doctor's surgery or health centre for safe disposal.
DO NOT put these in your rubbish or recycling bin.
Inkjet cartridges
You can refill and re-use inkjet cartridges by buying a refill kit or visiting your local cartridge retailer.
There are many charities that want unwanted ink cartridges and provide Freepost envelopes so that you can send them your cartridges. These are often available in your local supermarket or other retailer or can be found by entering a search on the internet.
If your iron still works, please donate it to a charity shop or your local reuse organisation. You can recycle your iron by taking it to your nearest bring site that has a WEEE bank (see W for a list of WEEE banks) or to your nearest recycling centre, where you can put it in the small waste electrical container. The metal and plastic will be recycled into new products.
Jam jars
Jam jars - please see Glass Jars and Bottles
Unwanted jewellery can be taken to charity and second hand shops.
Jigsaw puzzles
Donate complete jigsaw puzzles to your local charity shop.
If your kettle still works, please donate it to a charity shop or your local reuse organisation. You can recycle your kettle by taking it to your nearest bring site that has a WEEE bank (see W for a list of WEEE banks) or to your nearest recycling centre, where you can put it in the small waste electrical container. The metal and plastic will be recycled into new products.
Kitchen foil
Please see aluminium foil