It can be difficult and dangerous to dispose of unwanted paint. It should not be poured down the drain or put in your black rubbish bin. You can donate unwanted paint and varnish that is still useable to your local recycling centre and put it in the distinctive pink Seagulls paint collection container. The paint will be donated to Seagulls, a local community paint re-use organisation.
Paper containers with metal ends (such as Pringles tubes, gravy granules and hot chocolate containers)
There are three recycling centres in Leeds where you can take your paper containers with metal ends such as hot chocolate, gravy granules, coffee and Pringles for recycling - Kirkstall, Wetherby and Yeadon.
Paper hot drinks cups
Hot drinks paper cups are used in high street coffee shops, fast food outlets and supermarkets. These cups are lined with several layers of polyethylene (plastic). Because of this they are not suitable for recycling along with normal cardboard. Why not try a reusable cup? You can recycle your paper coffee cups in the recycling on the go bins for coffee cup in the city centre.
Peat bogs are rare habitats that are being destroyed to produce peat, so try to avoid buying or using it. If you have unwanted peat, it can be added to your compost heap or spread on your garden.
Please see Chemicals
Photographs and photographic paper cannot be recycled due to the plastic laminate on them being difficult to remove at paper pulping plants. If plastic is mixed into the process the recycled paper become unusable. Please dispose of these items in your black bin.
Please see bedding and blankets
You can take plasterboard* to your nearest recycling centre. Please put it in the container for plasterboard. Plasterboard is used as a soil conditioner and blended with organic waste in the manufacture of compost. *Restrictions apply for disposing of some types of rubbish at our household recycling centres including plasterboard. To find out more please see our guide to DIY waste disposal.
Plastic packaging
See also Plastic trays, Plastic bottles, Plastic yogurt pots. Please try to buy loose fruit and vegetables and meat and fish from shops that don't over-package their goods. A large proportion of plastic packaging is difficult to recycle. Carrier bags, bread bags, toilet and kitchen roll wrappers, and stretchy fresh or frozen fruit and vegetable bags can all be recycled in your green bin. Check out our plastic recycling page for all the other plastic items that can be recycled in Leeds. As a general rule, if a plastic bag or wrap is stretchy (rather than tear-able), then it can be recycled in your green bin. For example, the stretchy plastic wrap that comes around food tins and drinks cans multipacks is normally recyclable in your green bin, but the tear-able film lids from fresh fruit and veg trays isn’t recyclable and should go in your black bin. Please do not put any black or brown plastic in your green bin as this cannot currently be recycled.
Plastic wrap
A large proportion of plastic wrap packaging is difficult to recycle as it is not clear which type of plastic it is.
As a general rule, if plastic wrap is stretchy (rather than tear-able), then it can be recycled in your green bin. For example, the stretchy plastic wrap that comes around food tins and drinks cans multipacks is normally recyclable in your green bin, but the tear-able film lids from fresh fruit and veg trays aren’t recyclable and should go in your black bin.
Large supermarkets now provide collection containers for a wide range of plastic packaging e.g. bags and film from pasta, dried fruit, paper products, salad, fruit and vegetable products etc. They will be recycled into new plastic products.
Plastics - compostable and biodegradable
Plastic products labelled as biodegradable or compostable cannot currently be recycled in your green recycling or brown garden waste bin. This type of plastic should be disposed of in your black general household waste bin.
Biodegradable and compostable plastics must be dealt with separately to non-biodegradable plastics such as food containers, drinks and shampoo bottles, as they cannot be recycled in the same way.
Although the garden waste from your brown bin is composted, compostable plastic bags do not break down quickly enough in the process, resulting in a poor quality compost.
Please try to re-use polystyrene chips if possible or pass them on to someone who will. Polystyrene can’t be recycled, so dispose of small amounts in your black household waste bin. Larger pieces can be broken down or placed in the general waste skip at your local household waste recycling centre.
Prams, pushchairs and cots
Please remember that good condition baby clothes, toys and equipment can be passed on to friends, relatives, neighbours or donated to your local charity shop. Your local nursery or playgroup may also be pleased to receive them. If you are throwing out old baby clothes, toys and equipment, please donate them to a local re-use organisation or visit the Revive Leeds re-use shop at Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre. They will re-use them, helping those in need.
Printer cartridges
Please see inkjet cartridges