A to Z of reusing, recycling and waste disposal

Use the search below to see where you can reuse, recycle or dispose of your waste.

Want to recycle more? Find out what else you can recycle in your local area using Recycle Now's Recycling Locator.


Sawdust produced from untreated timber can be re-used as animal bedding. Small quantities can also be added to your compost bin/heap. It can be recycled in your brown garden waste bin, or taken to your nearest recycling centre and put in the garden waste container. Sawdust produced from MDF, chipboard or other treated timber should be bagged up and put in your black rubbish bin. Sawdust containing animal waste should be put in your black rubbish bin.


You can donate a wide range of items such as cards, papers and textiles to centres for use in community craft activities and projects. Scrap Creative Reuse Ltd is a social enterprise group which collects unwanted objects, rejects and damaged stock from businesses to distribute to community groups and schools. You can contact them on 0113 244 1576 or visit their website on the link below. Replay are a project by Leeds Play Network involving the collection of unwanted materials from businesses for use in children's craft activities. You can contact them on 0113 201 6790 or visit the Leeds Play Network website.

Please see Hypodermic Needles

If your shoes are good enough for someone else to use, please donate them to your nearest charity shop. If your shoes are not re-useable, please tie pairs together and bag them up before taking them to your nearest bring site with a textile bank or recycling centre. They will be repaired for re-use in developing countries.

Shredded paper
We do not collect shredded paper in the green recycling bins. This is because we are unable to process it due to the small fibers which can interfere with the machinery creating costly maintenance issues. If you shred documents to protect against identity theft you can minimise the amount of shredded paper that you produce by only shredding the parts of documents that contain your personal details e.g. name, address etc.  We recommend that you place shredded paper into your home composter as it rots down quickly to create good garden compost. You can also use it as pet bedding. If you aren’t able to compost or reuse it then please place it in your black rubbish bin. It can't go in the green recycling or brown garden waste bin.

If your sideboard is in good condition, you can donate it to a local reuse organisation. You can also take it to the Revive Leeds re-use shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre. If your sideboard is not good enough to re-use, please take it to your nearest recycling site. Wooden, MDF and chipboard furniture can be recycled in the timber skip. Other furniture should be put in the non-recyclable waste skip. If you are unable to take your furniture to your local recycling centre, you can book a bulky collection online.


If your unwanted sofa is good enough to be used by others and has a fire label, donate it to a local re-use organisation. You can also take it to the Revive Leeds re-use shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre,. Alternatively, put your sofa in the reuse container at your nearest recycling centre. If your sofa is not good enough to re-use, please take it to your nearest recycling centre. Wooden, MDF and chipboard furniture can be recycled in the timber skip, and metal furniture in the scrap metal skip. Mattresses and other soft furniture should be put in the non-recyclable waste skip. If you are unable to take your furniture to your local recycling centre, you can book a bulky collection online.

Please see Glasses (Spectacles).

Many charities collect used postage stamps. Please keep a margin of paper around the stamps when you tear them off envelopes. Do a quick search on the internet to find a charity to support with your used postage stamps.

Please see Hypodermic Needles

If your unwanted table is good enough to be used by others, donate it to a local re-use organisation. You can also take it to the Revive Leeds re-use shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre. Alternatively, put your furniture in the reuse container at your nearest recycling site. If your table is not good enough to re-use, please take it to your nearest recycling site. Wooden, MDF and chipboard tables can be recycled in the timber skip. Other furniture should be put in the non-recyclable waste skip. If you are unable to take your table to your local recycling centre, you can book a bulky collection online.

Telephone directories
You can recycle your unwanted telephone directories by putting them in your green recycling bin.

If you have a flat screen or portable television that is in good working order, you can donate it to a local reuse organisation. You can also take it to the Revive Leeds re-use shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre. If you are replacing a broken TV, the retailer supplying your new appliance should offer you a take back service. Alternatively, you can recycle your TV by taking it to your nearest recycling centre, where you can put it in the TV container.

Tetra Paks
Please see Cartons.

Please donate re-useable textile items such as clothing, bedding, curtains and towels to your local charity shop. If items are ripped or torn and not good enough to be used by someone else, they can still be recycled by taking them to your nearest bring site with a textile bank or recycling centre. These are reused and sold in charity shops or shredded and reprocessed into industrial strength blankets for protecting equipment during transport.