A to Z of reusing, recycling and waste disposal

Use the search below to see where you can reuse, recycle or dispose of your waste.

Want to recycle more? Find out what else you can recycle in your local area using Recycle Now's Recycling Locator.

Inkjet cartridges
You can refill and re-use inkjet cartridges by buying a refill kit or visiting your local cartridge retailer. There are many charities that want unwanted ink cartridges and provide Freepost envelopes so that you can send them your cartridges. These are often available in your local supermarket or other retailer or can be found by entering a search on the internet.

If your iron still works, please donate it to a charity shop or your local reuse organisation. You can recycle your iron by taking it to your nearest bring site that has a WEEE bank (see W for a list of WEEE banks) or to your nearest recycling centre, where you can put it in the small waste electrical container. The metal and plastic will be recycled into new products.