A to Z of reusing, recycling and waste disposal

Use the search below to see where you can reuse, recycle or dispose of your waste.

Want to recycle more? Find out what else you can recycle in your local area using Recycle Now's Recycling Locator.

Electrical and electronic appliances

If possible, please consider repairing your electrical appliances. If you are throwing out old and out-dated electrical equipment that still works, please donate it to a local re-use organisation or visit the Revive Leeds re-use shop at the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centres. They will re-use them, helping those in need. If you are replacing a broken appliance, the retailer supplying your new appliance should offer you a take back service. Alternatively you can take your broken appliances to your nearest recycling centre. Fridges and freezers, televisions and computer monitors should be put in the appropriate designated storage area. Ask the site staff if you are not sure where these are. All other appliances can be put in the electronic equipment container. Materials such as plastics and metals are recycled into new products.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs)
See Vapes.
Engine oil

Please do not pour engine oil down the drain. To recycle your engine oil, please take it to your nearest recycling centre and put it in the used engine oil container. It will be used to create bio-diesel or as a fuel in an energy from waste facility.

Office paper

Leeds City Council does not collect trade waste. However, you can take your office waste to either the Kirkstall or Seacroft recycling centre and pay the appropriate fee to recycle it. For further information about our trade waste fees, visit the business waste page.

Please see Cooking Oil and Engine Oil
Organic waste

Please see Composting and Food Waste

Oven cleaner

Please see Chemicals