What is a non-dependant
A non-dependant is someone who normally lives with you such as an adult son, daughter, relative or friend. Boarders, sub-tenants and joint tenants are not classed as non-dependants.
Can a non-dependant claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
No, a non-dependant cannot claim Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support for any payments they make for their keep.
The money paid by the non-dependant for their household contribution is not treated as your income, instead a fixed deduction is made from your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support. The deductions are fixed amounts based on your non-dependant's gross weekly income.
Non-dependant deductions do not apply if you or your partner are:
- registered blind
- receiving attendance allowance
- receiving the care component of Disability Living Allowance (at any rate)
- receiving the daily living component of Personal Independant Payment
- receiving Universal Credit and applying for Council Tax Support only
No deductions are made if the non-dependant is:
- aged under 18
- a full time student
- has been in hospital for 52 weeks or more
- a member of the Armed Forces who is absent while on operations
Non-dependant deductions
The amount we will deduct from your claim depends on the income of the non-dependant.
Housing Benefit deductions from 1 April 2024
Non-dependant aged under 25 and on Income Support or JSA(IB) or ESA(IR) which does not include an amount for the support component or work-related activity component
Non-dependant aged under 25 and on Universal Credit and not in remunerative work
Non-dependant aged 25 or over and on Income Support, JSA(IB) or aged 18 or over and not in remunerative work
Non-dependant in receipt of main phase ESA(IR)
Non-dependant in receipt of Pension Credit or a full time student
Non-dependant working 16 hours or more per week with a gross income of:
- under £175.99 - deduction of £19.30
- between £176 and £255.99 - deduction of £44.40
- between £256 and £333.99 - deduction of £60.95
- between £334 and £444.99 - deduction of £99.65
- between £445 and £553.99 - deduction of £113.50
- £554.00 or more per week - deduction of £124.55
Council Tax Support deductions from 1 April 2024
Non-dependant in receipt of Income Support, State Pension Credit, JSA(IB), ESA(IR) or UC (with no earnings)
Non-dependant aged 18 and over not in remunerative work, or in receipt of Universal Credit (working less than 16 hours)
Non-dependant aged 18 and over and in remunerative work and has a gross weekly income of:
- less than £255.99 - deduction of £4.90
- £256.00 to £444.99 - deduction of £10.05
- £445 to £553.99 - deduction of £12.60
- greater than £554 - deduction of £15.10