Report fly tipping

Find out how to report waste dumped on public land, in someone's garden or at a business property.

What is fly tipping

Flytipping is the illegal dumping of waste. If someone fly tips they may receive a fine, prosecution or in serious cases a prison sentence.

You can also be fined and get a criminal record if you pay an unlicensed person to remove your rubbish and it is fly tipped. Find out how to get rid of your unwanted items.

Waste on public land

If someone has dumped rubbish onto public land you can report it to us. We collect any rubbish fly tipped on:

  • alleyways
  • roads
  • pavements
  • parks
  • council land

If you know who dumped the waste, you can also report this to us and we may be able to give them a fine or prosecute them. The form will ask if you wish to remain anonymous, if you choose to, we will be unable to take any enforcement action against the person responsible. We will still remove the reported fly tip if it is on public land.

When you fill in our form you should tell us:

  • where the waste is
  • what type of waste it is
  • how much rubbish there is
  • who left the rubbish (if you know)

You can also upload a photo of the waste (if you have one).

If rubbish has been left on a canal or railway, please contact the Canal and River Trust or Network Rail.

Report waste on public land

Waste in gardens

If your neighbour has waste in their garden, speak to them if it's safe to do so.

What we do about waste in gardens

What we will do depends on the type of waste you're reporting and how long it has been there. We will act on any waste that: 

  • is visible to a lot of people
  • could cause harm to other people

If we think someone's waste is a problem, we'll write to them and tell them to clear it. If they do not clear it, we'll get a private company to clear the rubbish and send the bill to the person who lives at the property or give them a fine.

Make a report

When you fill in our form you should tell us:

  • the address where the waste is
  • what type of waste it is
  • details of the person who lives at the property (if you know)

You can also upload a photo of the waste (if you have one).

Report waste in a garden

Waste at a business property

If a company has left waste on their property or has overflowing bins, you can report it to us.

When you fill in our form you should tell us:

  • the address of the company
  • details of the person who runs the company (if you know)

You can also upload a photo of the waste (if you have one).

Report waste on a business property

If you own a business and know who has left rubbish on your property, we may be able to give them a fine or prosecute them. Complete our form to let us know.