Take actions to safeguard your clients and others immediately. Do not wait for the MARAC meeting to take place.
You should not make a MARAC referral if the only purpose is to:
- get an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate for your client
- get evidence to access a housing move or support legal aid
- signpost your client to other services
If your client does not meet the MARAC referral criteria, you can get support from Leeds Domestic Violence Service or other support agencies.
Outline risk factors, relevant background and reason for referral
Try to keep your answer for this section short and relevant. Include:
If you mention incidents which have been reported to the police in your referral, try to include:
You can find more information about assessing the risks victims face on the Safe Lives siteExternal link.
We offer training on making MARAC referrals. To find out more email SaferLeedsSafeguardingandDVTeam@leeds.gov.uk.
All MARAC referrals are sent to Leeds Domestic Violence Service for consideration to contact the client in advance of the meeting, if it is safe to do so.
Please include when would be safe to contact them and how they would prefer to be contacted. For example, email, text, voicemail, calls from a withheld number and any windows of opportunity when the suspect is not present.