
Find out what help and support is available in Leeds.

Dementia may include memory loss and difficulty with thinking. Find out more about the symptoms of dementia on the Alzheimer's Society website.

Get help and support

We want Leeds to be a dementia friendly place, where people can live well with the condition, be open about it, and stay well and active.

There is help and support available, so you don’t have to face dementia alone.

Leeds City Council - Care Delivery Service

Find more information on support for people who live with dementia or have complex needs:

Peer support service

Complex needs day services

Memory Support Worker Service

If you need advice about living with dementia and support available locally, contact the Memory Support Worker Service:

Phone: 0113 231 1727


You can also call the Alzheimer's Society's Dementia Connect support line on 0333 150 3456. They're open for longer hours and can put you in touch with local services.

Carers Leeds, Dementia Care

If you look after someone with dementia, get help with 1 to 1 support, carers groups, training and benefits advice.

Visit the Carers Leeds website for more information.

If you're worried someone might go missing

We are a partner in The Herbert Protocol. This is a way to help find loved ones who go missing.

It encourages carers, friends and relatives of people to provide information about their loved ones which could help authorities find them quicker in the event of them going missing.

You can complete a form on the Herbert Protocol webpage on the West Yorkshire Police website.

The council

You can get help with:

You may also need extra help with daily activities, such as washing or dressing. Apply for a needs assessment with adult social care to help you find the right support.