Providing activities

You can find links to organisations that provide a range of information and resources for activities.

Care quality team activity and wellbeing co-ordinator network

Are you a care home activity co-ordinator working in the Leeds area? If so why not join the activity and wellbeing co-ordinator network, and come to one of our meetings where we share best practice and network. Contact for more information.

General activities/resources

The Baring Foundation - Treasury of arts activities for older people Vol 2

With 52 accessible, creative activities (one for each week of the year), this 2nd volume of the popular Treasury of Arts Activities is designed for everyone who would like to bring more art and creativity into the work they do with older people.          

Download the Treasury or order a free printed version from the Baring Foundation                                                                                                                                      

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists - Ideas for activities

Ideas for activities is a resource of where to start with providing activities/Ideas/group activities and an A-Z of activities for care homes.                                                                                                                                    

Ideas for activities                                                                                                                                      

National Activities Provider Association (NAPA) - free resources

NAPA have free activities resource guide                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Marks and Spencers Archive- Marks in time resources and memory boxes

Marks in Time   offers community resources including sheet music,image packs and they offer free reminiscence outreach visits to care settings across Leeds. They’ll bring a memory box containing vintage clothing and accessories, and run a reminiscence session with your group                                                                                                                                                                             

Age of creativity - free resources

the Age of Creativity Festival has been compiling some great free online and offline resources                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Age UK Sheffield Resources For Activities

Age UK Sheffield have a huge free downloadable list of activities                                                                                                                                                              

BBC Reminiscence Archive.

This archive provides access to a selection of content from the BBC archives   , designed to support reminiscence therapy.                                                                                                                                                                           

Dementia activities

My Life TV - The dementia friendly channel

My Life TV – Stimulating activities, joyful entertainment and calming content for people living with dementia and their carers

Created by award winning dementia charity My Life films, My Life TV has programmes and content curated for the cognitive needs of people living with the condition – accessed on tv, tablet, phone or laptop.                                                                              

It’s a fantastic tool for activity providers and care givers;                                                                              

  • Keeping residents engaged and occupied with meaningful activities.
  • Enhancing therapeutic provision, supporting exercise and enabling social connection.
  • Providing opportunities for respite or delivery of care.
  • The content can help improve mood, quality of life and care, and help address agitation, anxiety and apathy.

My Life Films partner with many prestigious organisations including the Alzheimer’s Society, NAPA, British Film Institute, British Pathé and more. They also create bespoke quizzes, sing-alongs, chair yoga, music therapy & reminiscence sessions                                                                               

Arts4Dementia - Empowerment through artistic stimulation

Arts4Dementia is a charity organisation developing arts activities to inspire and re-energise people living with dementia and their carers in the community.                                                    


Activities - a guide for carers of people with dementia

Alzhiemers Scotland have produced a useful booklet Activities - a guide for carers of people with dementia  However, please note that some of the telephone numbers are for Scottish organisations and therefore are not relevant for those working outside of Scotland.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Arts and crafts activities

Leeds Arts and Health and Wellbeing Network

The city-wide network aims to connect clinicians and public health bodies with a broad range of organisations and arts professionals who are engaging in arts and health activities in Leeds. It will facilitate discussion between different sectors and enable its members to form collaborative groups in areas of shared interest.

Leeds Arts and Health and Wellbeing


Sign up to receive information about Leeds' Arts and Health and Wellbeing Network. Sign up here                                                                                                                                                                     

Arts in Care Homes and the Baring Foundation

Arts in Care Homes is a project managed by NAPA and funded by The Baring Foundation and the Rayne Foundation                                                                                                                                                                                                              

There is lots of research that proves that access to the arts makes care home residents happier and healthier. We believe that residents should be offered a wide range of arts activities on a daily basis to enhance their quality of life and increase wellbeing and motivation.

Art in Care Homes

Social Care Institute for Excellence - Art in Care Homes Resources

SCIE have a website with resources that can inspire care home residents to be creative                                                    

Involving people who live in care homes in the creative arts can delight, inspire and even bring health benefits.

SCIE inspiring care home residents to be creative

Creative Paths

Creative Paths   deliver arts in care workshops, both in house and via Zoom, discreet community learning, arts projects and commissions. For care staff and activity coordinators they offer ideas via their blogs and newsletters, consultation services, training and resources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

There website has downloadable resources   that you can use.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Creative Paths also have a YouTube presentation   that covers why creativity counts, tips and suggestions, using your local resources and things to consider.

The Southbank Centre - Art by post

Art by Post brings free poetry and visual arts activities to the people who are most isolated by the current social distancing measures. The activities are designed for older adults living with dementia and other chronic health conditions. If you sign up to take part, you’ll receive Art by Post creative booklets which arrive through your letterbox or straight to your email inbox. Through a series of exercises, you’ll be inspired to be more artistic and feed your imagination. Find out more here                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Arts together Leeds

Is a group of arts and community organisations who are working together to ensure that the arts in Leeds and beyond are as welcoming and accessible as possible to groups of people who might usually have barriers to engaging with them.

Arts Together Leeds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Music and performance activities

Constella OperaBallet - free, virtual and interactive performances for care homes

Constella OperaBallet is providing free, virtual and interactive performances for care homes. Delivered by some of the UK’s most exciting musicians and dancers who also work with the Royal Opera House, English National Opera and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.                                                                                                                     

Their innovative model provides high-quality performance and well-being support for care home residents. They use an optimised Zoom setup enabling an easy-to-use setup and a Covid-secure environment for performance. This enables their artists to interact with your residents, including performing requests, engaging in conversation and encouraging participation by clapping, singing and even dancing!                                                                                                                      

To see their work in action, please watch their short video                                                                                                                      

To set up performances for your home, please email                                                                                                                      


Connecting Stars

Together with Music

Together with Music (TwM)

;  our aim is to connect all care homes in the UK with their local schools, community groups and choirs through music and creativity.  We started out in January of this year, and thanks to our partners

Care England

and our sponsors, membership is completely


, we already have over 600 organisations signed up!!

In addition to providing this safe, virtual, sharing platform to facilitate intergenerational and community connections, we also offer a wealth of tools and resources to support activity and wellbeing staff in care homes, including regular live shows on zoom!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

We recognise that everyone needs a bit of joy and positivity right now and our aims are simple:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  • To tackle loneliness and isolation amongst some of the most vulnerable in our community
  • Support mental health and wellbeing across the generations
  • Ultimately, to encourage community connections both now, in this new virtual world and in the future when we can be together in person once again

We are so excited and encouraged by the success of this programme so far and the uptake of organisations and schools across the country.  We are seeing momentum growing by the day, in fact our Project Manager, Charlotte Miller, recently featured on Heart Breakfast with Jamie Theakston & Amanda Holden.  You can listen to the interview here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Together with Music                               

Contact: Jeanette Hague, TwM Connector                               

Phone: 07710027379 or email:                                               

BBC Music Memories

The BBC Music Memories website is designed to use music to help people with dementia reconnect with their most powerful memories. Evidence shows that music can help people with dementia to feel and live better. Memories from teenage years can often be the most powerful, so why not start by looking for music from that time and begin to create a music playlist?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Playlist for life

The Playlist for Life  website contains tips on how to use playlists to create an activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Digital activities

RemindMecare - activities software for care homes

RemindMecare (aka ReMe) provides care facilities with unlimited readymade activities and remote connectivity. Importantly, the remote family can create activities that are bespoke to the person being cared for, such as making music playlists, uploading photo albums, sharing photos and videos.            


Active/exercise activities

10 Today | Physical activity for older people

10 Today is an exercise programme from Sport England and Demos designed for older people to protect against poor health and improve mental health and maintain independence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

10 Today                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Living well in care homes

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists have produced the Living Well in Care Homes guides which include practical ideas for activities. This resource is for residents, members of staff and care home managers. It offers best practice in supporting older people to enjoy daily activities that support their health and wellbeing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

We are undefeatable - finding ways to be active

For those managing a long term condition We are undefeatable offers inspiration and ideas to help people get active by finding what works for them.

We are undefeatable                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Leeds Directory

Take a look at the Leeds Directory's activities calendar to find out what is going on in your community.